
University of Utah Asia Campus successfully hosts ‘The 4th Annual Alumni Event’

200 alumni & undergraduates attend the event at Grand Intercontinental Parnas Hotel on December 2nd, 2017

Attendance of UAC’s 1st graduates who graduated in May this year added meaning to the event


2017 December 5th – The University of Utah Asia Campus (Represented by Chris Ireland) located at Incheon Songdo announced that it successfully hosted ‘The 4th Annual Alumni Event’ at the Grand Intercontinental Parnas Hotel on December 2nd (Sat) 6 PM.

The alumni event, which has been held for the 4th time, was arranged to ensure cooperation and unity and promote amity and concordance among Korean alumni of University of Utah. The alumni event held this year received attention as it issued ‘Passing the Torch’ as its main theme. The theme celebrates University of Utah’s involvement in the 2002 US Salt Lake City Winter Olympics and the involvement of UAC undergraduates at the Olympic Broadcasting Services of Pyeonchang Winter Olympics. The University of Utah Asia Campus also delivered the message of superiors imparting hope and encouragement to the younger generation.

More than 200 alumni and undergraduates participated in the event and spent a meaningful time communicating and exchanging information with each other. The gathering was made even more special as UAC’s first graduates, who graduated in May this year, participated in the event.

Moreover, various key leaders in the industry attended the event, including Dr. Sungwan Kim, a Distinguished Professor at Hanyang University, and Dr. Yongseung Yun, a director of IAE, took part in the alumni event and drew attention. ‘The 3rd Annual Alumni Event’ held in December last year have also attracted attention as many important alumni figures, such as Sook Il Kwon, President of Korean National Academy of Sciences, Yongtae Lee, Honorary President of Sambo Computer Co. have attended the event.

In addition, a gratitude ceremony was held during the event to deliver the appreciation of the scholarships provided by the alumni. The University of Utah Asia Campus is providing diverse scholarship programs for students under various conditions. During the gratitude ceremony, a thank-you video of A-ram Jung, an undergraduate of UAC, was played to deliver her appreciation of the full scholarship she was provided.

Besides the gratitude ceremony, an alumni awards ceremony also took place to honor those who have contributed to the advancement of University of Utah.

The Alumni Achievement Award went to Dr. Yongseung Yun, who currently works as a director at the Plant Engineering Division of IAE. Dr. Yun majored in Chemical Engineering and received his PhD degree at the University of Utah in 1990. He has concentrated on CO2 capture technologies and has participated as a Korean delegate at the preparation workshops on CCS from 2007 to 2008 to reach the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Leaders Declaration. The second Alumni Achievement Award was given to Jaiwook Lee, the senior foreign attorney of Yulchon. Mr. Lee works a as a senior foreign counsel of the Intellectual Property Group and with his background in engineering, he also has expertise in e-Discovery, internal investigations and forensics.

And last, the Lifetime Alumni Award was given to Dr. Sungwan Kim, who is a Distinguished Professor at Hanyang University. Dr. Kim served as the Director of the Center for Control Chemical Delivery at the University of Utah from 1985 to 2006. He received his PhD in Physical Chemistry at the University of Utah under the guide of Professor Henry Eyring.

Chris Ireland, chief administrative officer of the University of Utah Asia Campus, expressed “through today’s alumni event, the UAC hopes both the alumni and undergraduates fully utilize the opportunity to establish a firm network. The UAC believes that all University of Utah students will lead the world under the ideology of the University of Utah.”

Meanwhile, established in September of 2014, the University of Utah Asia Campus is one of the first foreign universities to settle in Korea. The UAC is an expansion campus of the US Salt Lake City Campus, and all management of educational matters is executed by the SLC.

For more information, the alumni of the University of Utah include John Warnock, the founder of the prominent software corporation Adobe, Edwin Catmull, the founder of the animation production company Pixar, J.W Marriot, the founder of the luxurious international hotel chain Marriott International, Alan Kay, the computer scientist who worked on object-oriented programming, and Bill Gore, the creator of Gore-Tex fabrics. Among them, Korean alumni, including Taegyu Lee, the first Korean to become the candidate of Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Yongtae Lee, the Honorary President of Sambo Computer Co., remain long in history and are continuing to contribute to world society.

Click here to see photos from the event.

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유타대학교 아시아캠퍼스에 대하여
2014년 9월 인천 송도에 개교한 유타대학교 아시아캠퍼스는 분교가 아닌 미국 솔트레이크시티 캠퍼스의 확장형 캠퍼스로 미국 캠퍼스와 동일한 교수진 및 교육과정으로 운영되고 있다. 입학 및 졸업, 학위수여 등 모든 학사 운영을 본교에서 직접 관리하는 것이 특징이다. 국내에 캠퍼스를 설립한 외국 대학 중 최초로 인문/사회계열 학부 및 석사과정을 개설해 화제를 모은 바 있으며, 현재 미국 본교에서 가장 인기가 높은 커뮤니케이션학과(Communication)•심리학과(Psychology)를 비롯해 영화영상학과(Film and Media Arts)•도시계획학과(Urban Ecology) 등 총 4개의 학부과정과 공중보건학과(Public Health) 및 생명의료정보학과(Biomedical Informatics) 2개의 석사과정을 운영하고 있다
유타대학교 소개
1850년 개교한 미국 유타주의 주립대학교인 유타대학교는 2002년 동계올림픽 개최진인 솔트레이크시티(Salt Lake City)에 위치하고 있으며, 최근 10년 연속 세계 상위 100위권 대학으로 선정(글로벌 대학 평가기관 QS선정) 된 바 있다. 또한 중국 상하이 자오퉁대학교에서 발표한 2014년 세계 대학 평가에서 미국 내 상위 50위권 대학으로 선정되었으며, 카네기 재단이 최우수 연구기관으로 지정한 명문대학이다. 2,600여명의 세계적인 전임 교수진으로 구성되어 세계 각국에서 온 3만 2천여명(2013년 기준)의 학생들을 양성하고 있으며, 100여개의 학부 과정과 90여개의 대학원 과정을 개설해 활발한 연구활동과 다양한 기술개발을 진행, 학계에 업적을 남기고 있다. 더불어 유타대는 인문, 사회계열 중심대학으로 출범하여 사회학, 경영학, 심리학 등 인문사회계열이 강세를 보이고 있으며, 이공계열에서는 약대, 의대, 생명공학, 의학공학이 유명하다.